
Two days ago I realised that Herräng was for me this year what all the music festivals have been before, every summer since I was 16. It's that general craziness of the place that I appreciate, that anything can happen. That there are so many wonderful people to talk to and get to know (and dance with!), that there's music all around and dancing all night, that I don't go to bed before sun is up. All these are things I associate with my once so festival-filled summers. Herräng is all that ... but without the mud, dirt and drunkenness. I am so glad that I'm going back tomorrow. Just one week hadn't been enough ... I felt as though I was just getting started (and I was, seeing as I didn't take any classes and was too tired from the volunteer job to dance with more than a few people each night).

Will try and update this blog more often when I come back to town. Promise!

Picture shows a blues jam that I sort of fell into at about five in the morning.