The light has been marvellous today. It's as if the weather haven't been able to make up its mind; it's been raining, then some rays of light, then both at the same time, and all the time a stubborn, playful wind.
It happens that people (even I, on occasion) tire of the Göteborg weather, and I can understand that. What I don't understand is how they can say that it's always the same. It is not ever the same. There are thousands of different rains, and many of them are shimmering and immensely beautiful. Days here are often grey, but it is a living grey that makes a perfect background to any other color, it makes everything brighter, like the intense blue and red above. It has been a good day indeed.
Here's a picture of two of my best friends, the boyfriend and my monster (I bought him just recently, I just couldn't resist. Do you see how big he actually is?). They are both sitting behind me in my armchair right now as I write this. Life is nice.
Det är så fint med någon annan som verkligen ser och uppskattar sådana små vackra saker i vädret! Plötsligt kan man bli helt tagen, men det går inte att förklara för sitt sällskap riktigt.
Precis! Jag kan bara stanna upp och vilja andas in allihop, och andra förstår inte alls vad det var frågan om. Undrar om man lär sig uppskatta sådant på ren vilja eller om det är något man bara har?
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