Here are some photos from the past two weeks ... I know - I've been gone for too long. It's been a lot to think about - and, of course, do - lately. But well, I got some news ...
I'm taking a year off from the Academy of Music to go to art school.
Can't even tell you how good it feels. It's so the right thing to do at this point in my life. Nothing fancy, it's a very basic education, sort of like an art school for beginners, the basics in drawing, acrylics, oil painting, ceramics, screenprinting ... I can't wait.
You have read how I've been feeling about music and my musicality as of late and I guess it hasn't been fun reading. People are asking me if I don't want to be a singing teacher anymore, if I don't want to sing anymore, if I'm dropping out. The answer is No! I'm definitely not dropping out. Music is still I want to do with my life. I'm only taking a year off and my reason for doing so is that I long for the joy in music to return. If I don't have to sing, I believe I will want to, again.
I'm ridiculously tired, haven't been sleeping well for some weeks, and still have many things left on my to do-list (such as clean up the mess at home, which has been growing for a while). But I've started a new art journal which I like so much it makes me happy to even think about it. It will take me through these last few weeks at school and then it's finally summer.
shit vad tårtan ser god ut. och vad roligt det låter med art school :)
Det är inte ett likamedstecken mellan musikhögskolan och att syssla med musik i resten av sitt liv. Viktigast är att du mår bra och finns musiklyckan någonannanstans än på musikhögskolan så är den platsen bättre i så fall. Kram Monchichi
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