
my boyfriend cooks all our meals

It's great reading a lot of American blogs, because my English gets better. But there are some weird things that I still haven't quite understood about some blogs: the way the bloggers keep writing stuff like "I really have the sweetest husband, he irons his own clothes" or "I am so thankful that he never complains about what I cook for dinner". This is so very weird to me. In my book, things would go something along the lines of "I really have the sweetest boyfriend, he cooks all our meals". Now that is sweet for real. How can it be sweet to just refrain from complaining about someone else's cooking? Have him cook his own meals!

Well ... I'm not saying you should change if that's how you want to live your lives. And I am aware that many couples share the workload so that one person does the cooking and one the cleaning (or something like that), which is, of course, brilliant. I was just wondering how the whole "I do all the work and my husband is the sweetest person if he once and a while lifts one finger to help" works. I would not stay ONE DAY. Just so you know.

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Anyways. I intended to go dancing tonight, but I feel rather tired and not in the mood (and also my back is aching again), so I decided not to. Which was probably a bad decision, because it often feels better once I'm there ... It's just that when I feel like this it's so darn hard to push me out of my chair and go anywhere at all, let alone to a place full of people that I'm supposed to socialize with. So right I', just sitting here feeling a little sorry for myself. And uploading some more photos from around the apartment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I arranged our books by colour the same way that you have done in the first flat I shared with my husband...