I've lost all sense of direction. I don't know what I want, what I want to do, what I want to be, I don't know if I want to stay at the academy of music, I don't know what I want to create, nothing. Mostly I want nothing. I don't talk to friends. I don't know why. I think I want to, but I don't have the strength to make an effort. And so I'm lonely. And I am stuck. And why am I still sick? Why doesn't it get better? Why am I still coughing? Why does my throat still hurt? I can't sing like this! Not that I want to - but I
have to.
I cling to these words.
Every now and then life says
Where do you think you're going so fast?
We're apt to think it cruel but sometimes
It's a case of cruel to be kind
(Ron Sexsmith: Gold In Them Hills)
1 comment:
Älskling. Ta uppehåll och jobba, det du skriver är väldigt likt det du skrev i våras, du har all tid i världen, vad gör ett halvår hit eller dit. Om du har tid i helgen så vore det underbart med en fika eller gå och tända lite ljus på någon lämplig plats :)
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