I have been taking some seriously good photos lately, and you really should get over to the photo blog to check them out. (And I'd be really happy if you would write something in the guestbook, too. (The guestbook works in English!))
In other news: Weekend, I'm happy, I'm taking up driving lessons (it's been a year since I tried last time) next week and am super scared, I'm looking forward to seven movies at the film festival starting this weekend.
I got my copy of the Portals zine* and my first thought was that I hate the fonts. Ick. They're horrible throughout. My second thought was "my collages are in this, for real?", my third was "but ... the other people in here are real artists, like for real! What were they thinking choosing me? I'm just playing around anyways ... and not very often either!", and when I managed to read through the words I had written about me (the font they chose is, besides ugly, quite unreadable), my fourth thought was "wow ... I sound really young".
And then: I am young.
* Apart from the fonts, it's a lovely and inspiring zine, so if you are into collages or art journaling at all, you should buy it.
1 comment:
hm, nä för gästboken verkar inte funkar för mig på fotosidan. Men det låter som om du har det bra och det gör mig glad!
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