
vacation photos

Photos from Hönökonferensen (a week-long Christian conference/ meeting/ kind of reunion with friends who live in other parts of the country. Normally we spend the days taking walks, swimming in the sea, eating ice cream and talking, and the nights going to meetings, listening to different people preaching, and sing praise to the Lord).

The people in the pictures are, top to bottom: Karin & Anders (on of the sweetest couples I know, who are getting married in just a couple of weeks), me and the boyfriend (I know I look weird, but I'm just not used to being in front of the camera anymore), and my dear friend Linda.


Anonymous said...

Du är ju helt underbar på den bilden! Åh!

Kristin said...

Tack så mycket! Ja jag måste ju ha tyckt om den på något sätt, annars hade jag ju inte lagt upp den. :)