... that are going on in my life right now ...
- 25th of August I am going back to the Academy of Music. I decided a couple of weeks ago not to take a year off and go to art school like I had planned. I realized that I wasn't tired of school or music as much as I was just tired in general - completely worn out, to be honest. And when I had slept for about four weeks straight (that's what I did for the most of June) I started to miss music, and working with it most of the day, a whole lot. So that's that. I still have a longing in me to go to art school - some day. But right now my longing to study music is stronger, it just takes up a bigger part of me, it feels like what I'm meant to do.
- Moving back to Guldheden is only a week away and I couldn't be happier about that. For those of you who haven't already heard this, I'm moving into the boyfriend's collective, so there will be me and Johan and Anders and Jesper and I seriously believe it's going to be great. I loved living in Guldheden and was so sad when I had to move in March (I rented a friend's apartment for a year, until he sold it (I would have bought it if I had had the money, believe me)). I am going to live in that very same house but on the forth floor instead of seventh (yes, that is how I met Johan, we were neighbors and I was invited to their Christmas party last year). I love just thinking about it.
- I caught the inevitable Herräng flu (living and dancing so close to other people it's impossible not to get sick), and need to stay at home for a couple of days (I hope not more than that ...). It's just a cold, but my head feels like a bucket of porridge and my neack and shoulders ache (don't know why really, they always do when I get a bad cold, does anyone knows why?) so I spend most of my time in bed watching movies that don't require any effort whatsoever. I have time to be sick, though, so I guess that's good.
- I recieved the first letter from one of my new penfriends today. I was a lovely letter in a lovely envelope, and I'm so glad I got that idea. Remember, real mail is magical.
- The above photo is from Herräng, and it's one of the very few photos I took there (yes, it was seriously raining that hard). There are some pictures from Hönökonferensen (the week before Herräng) coming up tomorrow, though.
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