
I've had loads of time in the last few days and thought I'd post something, but I couldn't think of anything even the slightest funny, interesting or beautiful to show or write about. It's like my life is on hold for reasons I do not know and certainly do not understand. Don't get me wrong, I know that life sometimes needs to be on hold ... or that it can feel like it sometimes, even though things are bubbling underneath ... But I've had my life on hold for THREE MONTHS during summer, and I am getting bored.

I was fine with the fact that nothing happened and that I was doing nothing, because I accepted that I needed a break. Spring semester was just too tough. But now I am completely rested. I have slept for ages, I had very little on the to do-lists, I was ready. I had been waiting for everything to start for weeks. And now everything's started and it's ... just no fun. Nothing's fun.

I miss my old self. I used to be extremely interested in everything, seeing nice things everywhere. Now all I want to do is listen to Harry Potter audio books and play chain factor. (I stole a photo from the boyfriend (it's the view from the balcony), because I like blog posts with pictures in them. Need I say I'm not taking any photos at the moment?)

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello, i really like your work!