
that I really love singing

Good things have been happening!

On Wednesday, we had the yearly audition for people who want to have singing lessons (those we pick get ten lessons from one of us for free - we get someone to practice on, who knows that we are only students and will make mistakes). We (the singing teacher students) listened to about thirty different people, with different voices, who revealed different personalities.

And it reminded me in such a powerful way of what Högskolan för Scen och Musik i Göteborg is so good at making me forget: that I love teaching singing. I listened to people and I can hear why it hurts when they sing or why they can't sing this or that song like they would want to, and I know (or can give it a good guess) what kind of exercises might help solve the problem. The human voice is so inspiring and fascinating to me, I love, love listening to other people's voices. (Speaking of which, it makes me so happy remenbering this - that the very first thing I even noticed about the man who would become my boyfriend was his beautiful, melodic voice. It figures.)

And then, right there, suddenly I knew that not only am I a very good singer; I really will be a great singing teacher. Those facts drowns so easily under other things ... pressure, stress and competition ... all the things I'm not good at ... But you know what, my passion for singing breaks through all of it. Some days.

The day after that, I had my next classical singing lesson and my teacher immediately heard that I had gotten the joy in music back. She head it after one phrase. That is what singing does. It reveals everything to those who listen closely enough.

In the wake of all this, I have taken a couple of photographs (they're just from around the apartment, but I like them just the same, it was so nice wanting to take up the camera again), written a letter to a dear friend, and spent the whole afternoon relaxing after a very busy week. Tomorrow the boyfriend and I are going to see Wall-E, can't help but being a little excited. And then it's one week until New York. :)


Anonymous said...

Åh vilka fina bilder! Och vilken underbar text. Och du har blivit så himla bra på att skriva på engelska, tycker jag. En bucket av uppåttummar till dig! Kram

Anonymous said...

En bukett skulle det stå! :D

Anonymous said...

ooh, coolt, jag hade tänkt anmäla mig till den där sånguttagningen hos er. men sen vågade jag inte, det verkade för läskigt att auditionsjunga sådär inför folk (dåligt röstsjälvförtroende)

Anonymous said...

thank you, a great experience to share.

Malin said...

men åååh monstret igen!! jag är så kär i det.

Anonymous said...

camilla: men tack! vad glad jag blir. jag har märkt att det blir roligare och roligare att skriva på engelska också, det är förstås för att jag kan uttrycka lite mer som jag tänker. jag gillar ju språk :)

ma: men det skulle jag gjort! vi är inte farliga. det är ju inte heller folk som sjunger "bra" (om du nu tycker att du inte gör det) som vi vill ha, utan folk med intressanta röster som vi kan jobba med. sök nästa gång!

sm255: thank you!

malin: eller hur! jag är så glad att jag köpte mitt monster. han är så fin. (och farlig, förstås.)