
A little bit of this and that ...

+ I woke up this morning and suddenly realize that from February, I am HOMELESS. I have known this since I moved here (in March), but today it just ... struck. I have NO IDEA where I am going to live. This has scared me all day, and my stomach aches when I think about it. I am trying to embrace the fact that everything has worked out just perfect in my life so far (I have the best friends in the world, I am lucky enough to study what I love (and this on an education that is actually quite hard to get into), I have a part-time job that I really like, I have hobbies (lindy, collages, books, more music, to name but a few) that make my life more beautiful, and so on) and that I shouldn't worry because this will work out, too. This has been harder than you'd think, though. But I'm working on it.

+ I receieved the most lovely gifts from Katie in the mail yesterday; a mix CD, a lovely collage and the moste PERFECT earrings. Will show them to you as soon as I have more time than now.

+ Today was the last class of this fall's beginners/indermediate lindy course, and they gave us flowers! I was really touched (so touched that I surprised myself) and happy. They seemed so happy, like we've actually taught them something, it feels so good to think about that. We'll probably teach intermediate/advanced this spring; we were asked to because of our very "counter balancey, close-positioned, yummy" (not my words ... but they do fit) style. Feels scary, but good.

+ I am loving fall and everything that comes with it; the bright blue sunny days, the grey drizzle that makes everything cozier (how does it do that, by the way?), the soft warm yellowish light in my apartment in the evenings. But most of all, the smells. I don't know what it is that tastes so good but I think about it every morning, whether it has rained or not. It's not just earthy, it's fresher, brighter, lighter. So much easier to breathe now, than in summer.

+ This post (in Swedish) by underbaraclara, about a new and better fashion icon, is hilarious, and made me happy.

I need to get up at half past five tomorrow morning. Have to be at school at seven to prepare the conducting homework that I had totally forgotten about. And coming unprepared to the conducting class (or to any class, for that matter) is just not an option. So now it's bedtime for sure.


Jag SKÄMS för att kalla mig kristen när folk beter sig som de gör. Jag SKÄMS för att sägas dela religion med folk som tycker så. Det är INTE samma religion. Min handlar om kärlek. Och bara bara bara bara kärlek! Bara! Allting som är fint och bra i den här världen kommer från Gud, och det genom kärlek. Det är faktiskt precis så enkelt!

Ni sysslar ju inte med kärlek! Gå härifrån! Sluta upp med att svärta ned andras intryck av min superfina Gud som är bäst i världen (och himlen etc.)! Jag blir så trött på er! Usch!

Och att Stefan Gustavsson (generalsekreterare för Svenska Evangelistiska Alliansen, som har kommit på det här "bevara äktenskapet"-köret) enligt dagen.se "understryker att organisationens avsikt inte är att såra någon" ... Herregud. Vad ska man säga. Inte såra någon?! Vad tror de att de gör, då? Jag känner bara BRIST PÅ EMPATI LILLA VÄNNEN. Det duger inte. Som kristen borde du sannerligen veta bättre. Gör mig en tjänst i framtiden, och tänk mer på vad Jesus skulle ha gjort!

An Update

1. These past two months have been RIDICULOUSLY busy. I like being busy, specially with things that I love doing, but this time, it was just too much to have time to enjoy anything. No fun.

2. It's a lot better now! My schedule isn't as crammed as it was, there's more space and time to practise. Practising = making music = I'm happy.

3. I love autumn. Everything is beautiful. Everything in my life is musical.

And how are you doing?

Azure Ray | Hold On Love


Bilden: Vi jobbar med vårt musikstycke för sju dammsugare.

Det satt en kvinna mittemot mig på bussen idag. Hon lyssnade på musik i öronpluttar, och hennes nynnande bildade en finfin tersstämma - inte rytmisk men väl melodisk - till Eggstones Water, som var vad jag lyssande på i mina hörlurar. Det är sånt som gör ens dag.


I'm sorry! My life started happening, and there was just no time for blogging.

Honestly, it's been way too much this past month. But seeing as it's starting to slow down a little (for two reasons: I said no to a whole bunch of things I had planned to do, such as one of my choirs, an evening class in modern history of pop and rock, one of my chamber ensembles, several lindy classes and some other things, and the amount of school work is shrinking slightly), I don't feel like talking any more about it. It's been too much, and I was ridiculously happy to be back at school for about two weeks, and then I got tired, and then I got grumpy, and then my stomach started aching, and this past week I've been picking fights in every direction. It was no fun. I'm glad it's getting better.

I feel bad about not writing here, especially since my flickr profile says "There's the blog too, updated at least every other day". I don't have many readers though, so I don't think it matters much ... but it matters to me. I like my blog. And I will try and shake some life into it over the next few weeks.

But for now, I'm prioritating sleep. I'm still not fully recovered from the sleep deprivation and the general lack of taking care of myself - body and soul - of this past month. I feel like I could sleep for days.