
a little bit of this and that ...

... and a couple of photos thrown in for good measure.

+ I got a question what I do to make photos look like this and the answer is, I use Curves in Photoshop (CS3). Mostly I just try changing the curves in every direction until I'm satisfied. Which almost always includes taking the blue out of the highlights, because I really love the yellow light that that gives. Other than that it's all trial and error :).

+ I fell in love with this little turquoise chair at Saronkyrkans Second Hand (I took the photo in the shop) the other day and immediately bought it. It looks like candy!

+ I've seen three movies over the past couple of days. Maria and I both felt rather lazy in Thursday night and decided to see High School Musical - mostly because we're both high school. movie nerds and we wanted to have seen it. It was the one of the WORST movies I have ever seen - yes, totally down there with American Pie, 40 Days and 40 Nights and How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days. Afterwards we had to see Clueless (which we've both seen loads of times of course), just to keep the faith in high school movies. It was really awful in every way.

+ Yesterday the boyfriend and a couple of friends and saw Mamma Mia. And honestly, I can't understand the hype (because there's a small hype here). I thought it was hysterical and full of ridiculous clichés. I, as a musical nerd, have a VERY high tolerance level for incoherent stories, but this one was just too much. And too loud.

+ It's funny living together. Funny easy. It's like the boyfriend says, "when you hear of someone else moving in together when they've only known each other for a short while, you think 'wow ... that's early'. But when it's us ... It wasn't early at all". We had known each other for a little more than seven months when we moved in together, and it's really working. I could wish for nothing else.

+ We're having a small and hopefully cozy party (those are my favorite kinds of parties) with lots of cakes and cookies this evening, to celebrate my moving in here. The boyfriend has been baking the whole week - dammsugare, mazariner, kladdkaka, hallongrottor, and a few others that I don't know the English name of either. :) Should be fun!

+ I've had a blessed long summer holiday, but now I'm ready for the real life to begin - the real life with school, dancing, choir practice, exercising regularly, friends back in town, all that jazz. I feel really excited about the autumn semester starting soon (next Monday).

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